We all love a bit of friendly competition from time to time, and here at BODA HQ, it’s something that excites us. Last week, we announced the beginning of our quest to find out what leather reigns supreme at BODA SKINS, with help from you, our loyal Instagram followers.
Well… Now it’s time for round 2. Last week, we saw our Voyager and Premium Classic Biker go head-to-head, and although it was a close one, the Premium Classic Biker came out on top. But, if you didn’t agree with the final verdict, that’s fine, this whole competition is based on personal preference.
For round two of ‘Battle of the Leathers’, we wanted to put two of our most prestigious leathers to the test: entering Cafe Racer and Classic Biker Winter. As two of the most classic styles here at BODA SKINS, both of these titans love to add a sprinkle of class to the wardrobe. Of course, at face value, it’s clear to see that both of these leathers have different strengths and weaknesses, meaning they will have a strong divide in popularity, but which one has come out on top?
Queue the cards… Each statistic has been averaged from the recent interactions that we have received on our Instagram account (@BODASKINS, yes, we’re telling you again…) after announcing the battle. Be sure to let us know if you agree, and keep your eyes peeled for the next ‘Battle of the Leathers’.

For some more clarity on the battle, here are some points that we feel may need some more explanation:
Owning versatile items always makes life easier. You know by now that our jackets are designed to last a lifetime, so it’s always vital to ensure you can wear your BODA with as many outfits as possible. Whether you’re meeting friends for a cold one, or simply nipping out to the shops, versatility is a trait that will always stand as a leaderboard-topper. Here, the Classic Biker Winter takes the W…
Legendary Status:
Leather is a material that will always stand the test of time and will continue to be worn as a timeless look that will never expire. But when it comes to owning a style that is the most respected and loved in the leather Hall of Fame, you want to make sure that you are rocking an industry leader. On our cards, we feature a ‘Legendary Status’ rating, one that highlights how influential, stylish and durable the jacket is. This is one rating you want to win. Of course, the Cafe Racer wins this one.

BODA’s final word:
Two very different leathers with two very different attitudes. When we look over the stats it's clear to see where the BODA families allegiance is. As much as the Biker takes the styling and attitude crowns you can not argue with legendary status here. What can we say, you don’t f**k with a classic. Cafe Racer is through to the second heat.